40 and 8


I offer a little 40 & 8 history along with some personal impressions from my time in the organization.


La Societé des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux ( The Society of 40 Men and 8 Horses) or more commonly referred to as the 40 & 8 was established in 1920 as an organization within the American Legion. The French Box Car used to transport troops to the front in WWI was chosen as its’ symbol and the offices/titles and terminology are based on the organization of the French railroad. The Box Car was marked with the 40/8 emblem indicating a capacity for 40 men or 8 horses. In 1959, the 40 & 8 became a separate organization.


The Chef de Gare compares to the Post Commander, Chef de Train to the First Vice Commander, Correspondant to the Post Adjutant, Commissaire Intendant to the Finance Officer and so on for an equivalent structure, but using French titles. The Cheminot is our Executive Board.


The programs are similar to those of the American Legion; however the 40 & 8 added Nurses Training for which we provide scholarship money when we can. Locale 240 has presented many at NDSU over the years. Another area currently unique to the 40 & 8 is support for research of Hanson’s disease or Leprosy. The 40 & 8 Flags for 1st Graders program visited over 30 area schools giving a program on flag etiquette, flag care and presenting flags to students, distributing over 1900 flags. The 40 & 8 also conducts BINGO at the Fargo VA hospital; visiting with the patients, providing them with coffee, cookies and juice and giving away $50 in prize money each night. The 40 & 8 has been described as the fun organization as opposed to the American Legion’s serious nature. Rather than fun, enjoyable is probably more appropriate. The tasks and obligations are taken very seriously, but accomplished in an enjoyable, fun-loving way. The 40 & 8 has a place for the clowns and jokesters.


Membership is by nomination by a current member and a vote by the local unit or Voiture Locale. A Grand Voiture or Grand officers are at the state level. The local level is more like county-wide. Our Locale 240 is primarily Cass County but does extend beyond to cover an area more like the North Dakota Legion’s First District. The membership used to be drawn exclusively from the American Legion membership, but has now been opened up to other veterans.


Robert Jacobson, Voiture Locale 240 Chef de Gare


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© Gilbert C. Grafton American Legion Post 2